for percussion duo (15′) 1984
42nd Street Rondo is written for two percussionists with two matched sets of percussion instruments. Each measure is repeated several times, the number of repetions being decided by the players. In some cases player A decides when to move on to the next measure, in other cases player B decides when to move on and in some cases both players must agree on when to move on. This gives the performers a certain amount of freedom to shape the piece during performance.
The title refers to the corner of 42nd Street and Broadway in Manhattan, where street musicians often perform. I originally imagined the piece being performed in this location when I wrote it. 42nd Street Rondo was commissioned by the Danish Percussion Group with financial support from the Danish State Art Foundation. The piece has been performed widely by the Safri Duo.
Recorded by the Safri Duo on Chandos Score available from
Download programme note as PDF: 42nd Street Rondo